Earth May Survive the Sun’s Demise

By Damond Benningfield, Eos/AGU. 

Excerpt: Earth’s future is bleak. At best, our planet will become a burned-out cinder as the Sun expands at the end of its life. At worst, it will be engulfed by the Sun, leaving no trace that it ever existed. Astronomers have found a clue as to which path Earth might follow in a star system about 4,300 light-years away. There, a rocky planet orbits the remains of a once Sun-like star at a distance similar to where Earth could park if it survives our own star’s death throes. The system “may offer a glimpse into the possible survival of planet Earth in the distant future,” according to a new study published in Nature Astronomy. The system, KMT-2020-BLG-0414L, was discovered in 2020 by the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network, a set of three automated 1.6-meter telescopes in the Southern Hemisphere.... 

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