
Showing posts from November, 2023

Astronomers stunned by six-planet system frozen in time By DANIEL CLERY , Science.  Excerpt: Astronomers have discovered a highly unusual planetary system ...six planets, all bigger than Earth but smaller than Neptune, a variety that is absent in our Solar System but common across the Milky Way. Moreover, all of the planets orbit in rhythmic harmony, which suggests the system has remained undisturbed since its formation billions of years ago. The brightness of the star, its relative proximity to Earth, and its six orbiting oddities could make the system a perfect laboratory for studying the formation of these planets, known as sub-Neptunes. ...the study, published today in  Nature . The planets’ orbits are all tighter than Mercury’s. ...a mysterious [size] gap persists: Planets between 1.5 and two Earth diameters seem almost entirely absent and astronomers are eager to know why. ...The new system’s discovery involved two space telescopes, mult...

Cosmic blast seared Earth’s atmosphere from 2 billion light-years away By DANIEL CLERY , Science. Excerpt: On 9 October 2022, for 7 minutes, high energy photons from a gigantic explosion 1.9 billion light-years away toasted one side of Earth as never before observed. The event, called a gamma ray burst (GRB), was 70 times brighter than the previous record holder. ...It also ionized atoms across the ionosphere, which spans from 50 to 1000 kilometers in altitude, researchers say. The findings highlight the faint but real risk of a closer burst destroying Earth’s protective ozone layer.... See also New York Times article A Supernova ‘Destroyed’ Some of Earth’s Ozone for a Few Minutes in 2022 .

LUCY MISSION FLIES BY ASTEROID DINKINESH, FINDS BINARY MOON By EMILY LAKDAWALLA , Sky & Telescope. Excerpt: On November 1st, the Lucy mission zipped past the tiny asteroid 152830 Dinkinesh and discovered that it was actually a binary. ...While the probe caught a view of the Dinkinesh's small satellite in the one of the first images of the flyby, the mission turned as it flew by and captured another view from a different angle. That new perspective revealed that the little asteroidal moon is actually a  contact binary , meaning it's made of two objects in contact with one another. This is the first contact binary asteroid moon discovered. Read more details on  NASA's website ....

New space telescope embarks on biggest 3D map of the universe By DANIEL CLERY , Science. Excerpt: The European Space Agency (ESA) today  released the first pictures of galaxies  taken by its new space telescope, Euclid, which aims to help researchers understand the dark components that make up 95% of the universe. ...the Perseus Cluster..., one of the most massive structures in the universe, shows 1000 of its galaxies 240 million light-years from Earth, as well as 100,000 more distant ones, some as far away as 10 billion light-years. Over its 6-year mission, Euclid, launched in July, is  expected to take 30,000 such images , cataloging 1 billion galaxies across one-third of the sky. Researchers will use them to create the biggest 3D map of the universe, spanning three-quarters of its history....

The Moon Is Even Older Than Scientists Thought By Matt Hrodey , Eos/AGU.  Excerpt: Thanks to one of the slowest-ticking clocks in the universe, scientists have determined the Moon is about 40 million years older than previously thought. That means the Earth was a young 100 million years old when an object about the size of Mars slammed into it, slinging magma out into Earth’s orbit. ...As the Moon’s mantle cooled, it formed tiny zircon crystals, ...sometimes contain other elements, such as uranium ...can be used to date when the crystal originally formed, going back billions of years, if necessary. ...the researchers obtained lunar dust collected by Apollo 17 in 1972 and analyzed the tiny zircon crystals and uranium contained inside. ...Radioactive isotopes of uranium (such as Uranium-238) contain unstable combinations of protons and neutrons in their nuclei and will eventually break down into lead... Scientists determined the age of the Moon by counting th...

Five Martian Mysteries That Have Scientists Scratching Their Heads By Matthew R. Francis , Eos/AGU. Excerpt: . 1. Why Is the Southern Hemisphere So Bulgy? 2. Where Has All the Water Gone? 3. Why Is Mars an Ice Ball? 4. Is There Methane? 5. How Much Does the Planet Wobble? ....

Space junk is out of control. Here’s why — and what to do about it. Source:   The Washington Post Editoria Board Excerpt: turns out that the orbits along which rockets fly and from which satellites beam internet connectivity to Earth are a limited resource — and they’re becoming more crowded every day. The Federal Communications Commission last month issued the first-ever fine for what’s known as space junk, against the Dish Network. The satellite television company failed to dispose properly of one of its satellites, leaving it at a lower orbit than it promised when securing its license. What’s remarkable isn’t the transgression, but the penalty. Today, countries and companies alike sending objects into space are mostly held to standards lower than the average kindergartner. They’re allowed to make a mess, and they’re not really required to pick up after themselves. ...About 8,000 active satellites move through low Earth orbit. Their trajectory can be adj...